daTa and pRocesses in sEismic hAzarD

WHY and HOW?

Our ability to assess earthquakes risk and to communicate those risks remains insufficient to enhance the resilience of societies

Seismic hazard in the XXI century

Earthquakes are responsible for about one-third of the global economic and human natural disaster loss (World Conference on Disaster Reduction 2004).

TREAD project

TREAD is a Doctoral Network (DN) funded by the European Union Horizon Europe Programme. We aim to train a new task force of creative, multidisciplinary, proactive young researchers.

TREAD plan

WP1 and WP2 will thus bring a unique dataset over remarkable spatial and time scales that will be tested against innovative models within WP3. The scientific programme is complemented by 3 additional non scientific WPs.



TREAD offers 11 PhD projects that will be accomplished by exposing the recruited DCs to trans-disciplinary dimension, i.e. earthquake geology and hazard assessments, geomechanics, and insurance and decision-making domains.


Earthquake Physics Workshop in Netherlands
800 450 TREAD

The Earthquake Physics workshop will be organised on November 11 – 13, 2024 in Lunteren, the Netherlands. More information will follow, SAVE THE DATE!

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Training School in Sicily was a success!
643 482 TREAD

The first TREAD Training School on “Earthquakes, hazard and risk in Europe and the Mediterranean area” took place in Sicily from 27th of May to 1st of June. Thanks to…

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Next TREAD Training School in Sicily
1024 714 TREAD

TREAD next Training School From 27th May to 1st June 2024 at Don Giovanni hotel – Sambuca Sicily – Italy INFO ABOUT THE EVENT: Download the Training Agenda Infosheet …

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The consortium is formed by a multidisciplinary, intersectoral and international network covering cutting-edge knowledge and expertise in observational, experimental and modelling fields. It is formed by 8 beneficiaries and 14 associated partners from 7 European countries.



Consortium Beneficiaries are the legal entities that signed the Grant Agreement with the EU Commission and have the responsibility for the proper implementation of the TREAD action.


Associated partners

Associated Partners will complement the Consortium Beneficiaries and the TREAD research training programme, by enrolling the TREAD fellows into a doctoral programme, providing training and secondments opportunities.