
The consortium is formed by a multidisciplinary, intersectoral and international network covering cutting-edge knowledge and expertise in observational, experimental and modelling fields. It is formed by 8 benefitiaries and 14 associated partners from 7 european contries. Beneficiaries are the main responsible of the training of the 11 PhD candidates, while the associated partners host them for secondments and in network-wide training activities by directly participating in the schools and in the workshops.

The research programme is highly collaborative and achievement of each research and training objective will require the complementary skills of several partners. Four groups of expertise can be identified: 1-experts in active tectonics, seismology and long-range tools to assess fault deformation rate and landscape evolution such as UB, CNRS, UGA, ETH, RUHR, HZDR, EDF and TRE, 2-experts in seismic hazard assessments and modelling with Ud’A, OGS, INGV, IRSN, IPGP, MUNCHRE and GEM, specially adapted to the need of stakeholders, 3- experts in earthquake physics, rock mechanics, carbonate rocks rheology, rock-fluids interaction and geophysics with UU, TNO, UNIPD, LMU and IFPEN, 4- experts in risks assessments and insurance with MUNCHRE, Willis Limited and GEM. All competences are well represented in the consortium to train the DCs to achieve the WP tasks.